How to get rid of salt and sediment from inside water pipes

How to get rid of salt and sediment from inside water pipes
You can clean the pipes of lime and salt deposits in the following way:

1 - you have to empty the tank so that left him a small amount of water

2 - Put the amount of chlorine in the water tank so that it becomes clear chlorine

3 - Open taps the so up chlorinated water blended and filled by all the pipes .. Then Aglekayaa again

4 - Leave the water inside the pipes intact for a full day

5 - a national spring water inside the pipes beginning of the outlet water tank .. Pressure will be using compressed air at a rate of 3 bar

6 - to fill the tank with fresh water and continued until the water pressure to get rid of the remnants of chlorine and odor

If the sediment large Vstensl on the cut Coles rough .. Might clog water taps .. So preferably water taps decoder so Tfshei the field out easily then Idi installation of taps

Safety requirements you had not used since the development of water, chlorine and water tank when the water purity of taste and smell


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